instruere...inlustrare...delectare Disputations

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Lectio secula

Touching on the idea of a parallel between the interaction of theological musing and consequent contemplation and the interaction of the reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation of lectio divina, Br. Jerome, OSB, writes in a reflection on the Rule of St. Benedict:
This is just my own opinion, but I am inclined to think that the Dominican concept of contemplation comes closest to our own, largely because of their love of study. Study, for the Dominican, is often very similar to lectio in the Benedictine scheme of things. Why? Because the Dominican seeks Truth, and Jesus said: "I am the Truth." A Dominican could be reading virtually anything and still know that every bit of real, objective truth garnered from that reading would be yet another shard, no matter how small, in the infinite mosaic of the face of Christ. That is a mosaic none of us shall ever complete in this life, but oh, how much more familiar He shall seem to us when we meet Him because of it!

Maybe I'm just prejudiced, but I think that a Dominican education, such as I had, is a wonderful preparation for Benedictine life.
And, on the other hand, a Benedictine education seems to have stood St. Thomas in good stead for Dominican life.

