instruere...inlustrare...delectare Disputations

Monday, November 13, 2006

Such a deal

A note from the student brothers at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington:
The Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. is the house of formation for all Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Joseph (Eastern Province, USA). Currently, there are around thirty priests assigned to the House. Consequently, there are 15-30 Masses offered every day at DHS (depending on how many priests go out of the House to offer Mass elsewhere on a given day). However, there is no parish attached to the DHS. So there are no parishioners standing in line to submit Mass intentions. And so there are currently many Masses waiting for intentions to be supplied by the people of God at large. In other words, if you have a Mass intention, and your parish is already overbooked with Mass intentions, the priests of the DHS are happy to oblige.

The Fathers of the DHS are also able to do something that typical parishes cannot, namely, sequences of Masses. For example, do you want a Novena of Masses offered for a particular intention? At a typical parish, that presents a challenge. At DHS, that is no problem.

Furthermore, all Mass donations go to support a house of formation of future priests and preachers.

So let the floodgates of heavenly grace be opened for souls living and deceased – for the sick, the suffering, and those in need of conversion!

Submit your Mass intentions via U.S. Mail to:

Fr. Matthew Rzeczkowski, O.P.
Dominican House of Studies
487 Michigan Ave., NE
Washington, D.C. 20017

If you would like a Mass card sent, please say so and also supply the mailing information.
So you can a) have a Mass offered for your intention [if you can't think of an intention, let me suggest the souls in purgatory] and support the education of the next batch of Dominicans; or b) buy a few more cups of overdressed coffee. Hey, it's your choice. Just like it'll be the choice of people just like you after you die. I'm just saying.

