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Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I have built my life on Christ
In the Name of Jesus Christ crucified and of sweet Mary, happy Feast of St. Catherine of Siena! Link | 0 comments | Tweet Monday, April 28, 2008
How to receive Holy Communion
As a last post on the letter from St. Catherine of Siena to Ristoro Canigiani (here, then search for it), let me present her comparison of Passover and Holy Communion. Exodus 12 contains the LORD's instructions to Moses and Aaron on how to observe the first Passover: "Tell the whole community of Israel: On the tenth of this month every one of your families must procure for itself a lamb, one apiece for each household...Okay, we know all that (more or less), and we know that Jesus is the Lamb of God and that the Passover meal prefigures the Eucharist. St. Catherine moves beyond the "what" of the Passover meal to find spiritual significance in the "how." We are to receive the Eucharist in the same manner as the Hebrews ate the Passover lamb:
"Thus sweetly it befits us to receive this Lamb," St. Catherine concludes, "prepared in the fire of charity upon the wood of the Cross." Scholars and theologians might discuss whether the LORD really directed the Hebrews to eat with their staffs in their hands in order to prefigure the cross on which His Son would die. St. Catherine's interest is the altogether practical end of getting Ristoro to receive Communion worthily, which she does in part by connecting an ordinary staff with the Cross. The more we turn our minds to the mysteries of the Faith, the more such connections with the ordinary will suggest themselves, and then the more the ordinary will recall the mysteries of the Faith to our minds. Link | 0 comments | Tweet Thursday, April 24, 2008
Starting over
Let me return to the first paragraph of St. Catherine of Siena's letter to Ristoro Canigiani (the one I've been quoting in the last few posts). It opens with these words: In the Name of Jesus Christ crucified and of sweet Mary:All very Catherinian, just the sort of thing a Fourteenth Century Italian mystic would write, nothing we didn't already know. But that doesn't mean we can't learn from it. For example, I've been thinking of one particular way self-love takes from the soul the love of God and of neighbor: How, when we speak in the service of others, we use language in order to please ourselves even though it interferes with our service. I personally find it very difficult to instruct the ignorant without at the same time entertaining myself at their expense. I mean, lighting a lamp in darkness is all well and good, but a real zinger shot into tender parts adds some real zest to life, especially when others are watching appreciatively. And I suspect the reason I feel that way is because I love my self -- or not even my self, but my self-image -- more than I love God and neighbor. To make the extrication that much harder, I'm pleased that I actually do [usually] [try to] love my neighbors enough to rarely weigh in with "you're an idiot"-type comments, even though an "oh isn't that charming" is just as certain to shut down conversation. Now, before anyone tells me it's entirely possible to tell someone in charity that they're an idiot: It's entirely possible to tell someone in charity that they're an idiot. But it has to be done in charity, which is to say in friendship, not merely done without ill will. And for myself, my best bet for speaking in charity to someone I don't already know and love well just may be to love my self less. Maybe the goal of being free from every particle of self-love has a practical payoff long before its perfectly achieved. Link | 0 comments | Tweet
A caution for imprudent laymen
So should Ristoro Canigiani receive Communion even though he doesn't feel contrition for his sins? After laying the groundwork of how to seek the kingdom of Heaven prudently, St. Catherine finally takes up the question directly. Well, relatively directly: We should not use a foolish humility, as do secular men of the world. I say, it befits us to receive that sweet Sacrament, because it is the food of souls without which we cannot live in grace. Therefore no bond is so great that it cannot and must not be broken, that we may come to this sweet Sacrament. A man must do on his part as much as he can, and that is enough.After a brief digression into Passover as an image of worthy reception of the Blessed Sacrament, she adds: I said that it did not befit us, nor do I wish you, to do as many imprudent laymen, who pass over what is commanded them by Holy Church, saying: "I am not worthy of it." Thus they spend a long time in mortal sin without the food of their souls. Link | 0 comments | Tweet
A review for continuers
Our story so far: Ristoro Canigiani has received sound counsel from St. Catherine of Siena. Now, though, he's feeling scrupulous about receiving Holy Communion, because he doesn't feel contrition for his sins. How does St. Catherine answer him? She begins at the beginning: What do we need to know? The great goodness of God, and His unspeakable love toward us; the perverse law which always fights against the Spirit, and our own wretchedness.From this follows the need to ask God for what we need. And that leads directly to the obvious question: But you will say to me: "... But how comes it that many a time I ask, both contrition and other things, and they seem not to be given me?"St. Catherine is ready with this answer: It may be it is through a defect in him who asks, asking imprudently, with words alone and not with his whole heart--and of such as these Our Saviour said that they call Him Lord, Lord, but shall not be known of Him--not that He does not know them, but for their fault they shall not be known of His mercy.If Sig. Canigiani had been expecting a postcard reply of, "Don't be silly! Of course you can receive Communion!," he wrote to the wrong lady. Link | 0 comments | Tweet Wednesday, April 23, 2008
A rule for beginners
Among her students, Dr. Benincasa has a reputation for high-flown mystical language. She's given to giving advice like, "Drown and bathe in the Blood of Christ crucified." A man as smart and as holy as Bl. Raymond of Capua admitted he often didn't understand the things she told him. But St. Catherine of Siena did not always speak in such advanced terms. For example, a letter she wrote to Ristoro Canigiani, a Florentine gentleman who sought her spiritual guidance, is eminently practical. In places, it reads like a paraphrase of the current Rule of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic: Again, it is needful for you, if you wish your soul to preserve grace and grow in virtue, to make your holy confession often for your joy, that you may wash your soul's face in the Blood of Christ. At least once a month, since indeed we soil it every day. If more, more; but less it seems to me ought not to be done.That last thought in particular is eminently practical. A rule of life, formal or informal, is never an end in itself, but always only a means to the end of eternal life through, with, and in Christ sweet Jesus (as St. Catherine calls Him). The value we place in that end will be reflected in the value we place in those means. Link | 0 comments | Tweet Monday, April 21, 2008
Time to retreat
Start tonight, and you'll finish right on time. (Unless it's already tomorrow where you are.) Link | 0 comments | Tweet
The Pope speaks
For what it's worth, here's a PDF of Pope Benedict's speeches and homilies during his visit to the United States. Link | 0 comments | Tweet