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Sunday, April 29, 2012
A priest forever
My pastor made one of the points in his homily today in what I thought was a particularly effective way. Link | 1 comments | Tweet Saturday, April 28, 2012
Acting Classes
At a very high level, actions and movements may be classified according to the answers to these two questions: Link | 0 comments | Tweet Tuesday, April 24, 2012
In a dispute between a wise man and a fool, progress is much easier if they both agree on which one's the fool. Link | 0 comments | Tweet
A fiendish paradox
In my previous post, I wrote that "even the sinner finds God beautiful to the extent he can perceive Him." Even the sinner? Even the demons! Link | 0 comments | Tweet Sunday, April 22, 2012
A beautiful paradox
In the previous post, I proposed the following paradox: Link | 0 comments | Tweet Saturday, April 21, 2012
The superessential Beauty
If you're familiar with the works of Pseudo-Dionysius, then you're way ahead of me. I'm just reading Chapter 4, "Concerning Good, Light, Beauty, Love, Ecstasy, Jealousy, and that the Evil is neither existent, nor from existent, nor in things being," of his On Divine Names, from which I'd quoted in my previous post. There's some good stuff in there. Link | 3 comments | Tweet Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Yes, yes, I know. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Dionysius the Aeropagite*, among others, teaches that, for all things that exist, "whatever they do, they do for the sake of that which seems good." Link | 17 comments | Tweet Tuesday, April 17, 2012
The enemy of my enemy It is the final proof of the need for renewal in the Church today that she is producing such an unimpressive crop of atheists. Link | 2 comments | Tweet
Receive ye the Holy Ghost
Link | 3 comments | Tweet Sunday, April 15, 2012
Judgmental gymnastics
Commenting on a video of an Englishwoman unable to bestir the good old English virtue of Not Doing What Isn't Done in the bosom of vocal Muslims who live in her old neighborhood, Mark Shea writes: Link | 2 comments | Tweet Friday, April 13, 2012
Millstone prayers
Jeff Miller rightly identifies as Moloch the god whose clergy are behind the parasitic "40 Days of Prayer [for Enough Abortions to Sustain the Cash Flow]." Link | 1 comments | Tweet Monday, April 09, 2012
Easter groaning
I wouldn't say I had a happy Easter, despite all the people who wished that I would. Link | 2 comments | Tweet Saturday, April 07, 2012
What is truth?
I can imagine Jesus' speech reminding a practical-minded procurator of the tiresome philosophers who tried to educate him in the ways of Socratic dialogue. Still, it's a shame Pilate wasn't interested in the answer to his own question, because truth is kind of a big deal, and the better we understand what truth is the better we can understand He Who was born and came into the world to give testimony to the truth. Link | 0 comments | Tweet Friday, April 06, 2012
The Good Fridays of our years are threescore years and ten
Was ever a man less prepared for what the day would bring than Pontius Pilate on the day the chief priests brought him Jesus? Link | 1 comments | Tweet Tuesday, April 03, 2012
More piercing than any two edged sword
To pull the thread at the end of the last post: If, to remain alive in Christ, we need in some sense to respire, to (ahem) re-spirit ourselves, to have the Holy Spirit move in and through us (in the way, to borrow from St. Catherine of Siena, that the sea moves through the fish while the fish moves through the sea), then our relationship with Christ is one of movement and exchange. If it is a living relationship, it is an active relationship. Link | 0 comments | Tweet Monday, April 02, 2012
He makes all things new
The form of a thing determines what the thing is. When God formed man from the slime of the earth, the thing formed was man. When He formed His people Israel, the thing formed was His people Israel. When He formed Jeremiah the prophet in his mother's womb, the thing formed was Jeremiah the prophet. Link | 2 comments | Tweet