Here's the opening of
an AP article published today:
Americans are wary of granting refugee status to children crossing the
U.S. border to flee strife-torn countries in Central America....
What struck me is that this could be written as:
Americans are wary of granting refugee status to children who are refugees....
Granted, admitting that someone is a refugee and granting that person refugee status are two different things.
But in a land where we can transubstantiate things into other things by calling them the other things -- like marriage, or healthcare -- maybe we can also transubstantiate them into other things by
not calling them what they are.
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A passing line from the homily I heard yesterday (on the
Parable of the Buried Treasure):
Some of you will leave here today without your treasure.
That, I think, could make for a profitable sermon in itself.
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