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Friday, August 29, 2003
Pascal's Wager is hopeless Link | 0 comments | Tweet
Persisting in hope
Link | 0 comments | Tweet Thursday, August 28, 2003
Reeves in the Summertime, concl.
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But not forgotten
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Link | 0 comments | Tweet Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Liturgical errancy
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A proposal for a new Internet policy
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Still hoping
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Inerrant errors
Link | 0 comments | Tweet Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Totally awwsome
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Quod est spes?
Link | 0 comments | Tweet Monday, August 25, 2003
Reeves in the Summertime, cont.
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Show-off tunes
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Celestial masterpieces
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Beautiful questions
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Leaving no analogy behind
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Getting a head of myself
Link | 0 comments | Tweet Saturday, August 09, 2003
She's going to make it!
Link | 0 comments | Tweet Friday, August 08, 2003
O lumen Ecclesiae
Link | 0 comments | Tweet Thursday, August 07, 2003
Happy Feast of St. Dominic!
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Reeves in the Summertime, cont.
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Link | 0 comments | Tweet After a spirited debate, the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church, USA, voted yesterday to change the name of their church to the Trinitarian Universalist Church (TUC).
Opposition to the measure was led by a group of centrist bishops who feared that the change would lead to an exaggerated sense of the importance of the doctrine of the Trinity, alienating both progressive church members and prospective converts. Supporters affirmed and acknowledged that concern, but still maintained the new name should be adopted because, in the words of one bishop who spoke in favor of the change, "Whatever." After the voice vote, the bishops issued a statement that read in part, "We know that many fearful, small-minded, and backward-looking people will wake up tomorrow surprised to find that they are no longer Episcopalians. But so what?" "The word 'episcopalian' comes from a Greek word meaning 'overseer,'" one bishop who supported the name change explained. "And as a church, we really aren't into that anymore." Link | 0 comments | Tweet Wednesday, August 06, 2003
A real logic problem Link | 0 comments | Tweet Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Reeves in the Summertime, cont.
Labels: Reeves And Booster Link | 0 comments | Tweet Monday, August 04, 2003
Which switch?
Link | 0 comments | Tweet Saturday, August 02, 2003
A game to avoid meditating on your spiritual progress
Link | 0 comments | Tweet Friday, August 01, 2003
Reeves in the Summertime
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