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Friday, July 31, 2020
On an unrelated note
I am always surprised when people don’t care whether something they say is true. Often enough, it doesn’t even seem to occur to people to ask themselves whether something they say is true, as though the fact they find a thought in their head establishes its truth. Though I suppose being oblivious to the question is better, in some ways, than being indifferent. Link | 2 comments | Tweet Sunday, July 26, 2020
What price the Kingdom?
I noticed this morning the man who found buried treasure happened to have just enough wealth to buy the field, and the merchant happened to have just enough wealth to buy the pearl. Link | 0 comments | Tweet
Free gifts!
“On the part of the things proposed to faith for belief, two things are requisite on our part: first that they be penetrated or grasped by the intellect, and this belongs to the gift of understanding. Secondly, it is necessary that man should judge these things aright, that he should esteem that he ought to adhere to these things, and to withdraw from their opposites: and this judgment, with regard to Divine things belong to the gift of wisdom, but with regard to created things, belongs to the gift of knowledge, and as to its application to individual actions, belongs to the gift of counsel.” Link | 0 comments | Tweet Monday, July 13, 2020
The Christian Two-Step
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